OpenText - StreamServe Persuasion Suite

StreamServe Persuasion Suite Description

From data to document to delivery to your customers, Persuasion provides you with end-to-end control of the entire process and creates highly personalized documents that are delivered on time through the most appropriate delivery channel.Provides as easy-to-use composition tool that is designed for collaboration and personalized, precision marketing applications. Delivers advanced document reengineering capabilities for already composed datastreams such as Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™), Acrobat® Portable Document Format®(PDF®) or Windows® print streams Allows you to hold, merge, sort and split documents for bundling, house-holding and postal optimization. Includes a document repository with a Web-based search engine.

Value Proposition

Increases your opportunity to automate document production processes – centralized and decentralized – and achieve higher savings.

Functional Categories

Automated Document Composition - High speed formatting and composition software including Variable Data Formatting (VDP)

Marketing Automation - Marketing Automation for print and multi-channel delivery including message management, PURL generation, image personalization and other specialty solutions.

Output Management - Including grouping, batching, load balancing, print spooling and routing.

Print Stream Reengineering and Transformation - Stream-to-stream transformation, augmentation, editing and enhancement.

Reprint/Archive - print stream and data archive for audit and/or reprint purposes.

Application Suitability

Direct Marketing – Postcards & High Color Direct Advertising
Direct Marketing – Self Mailers

Installation Options

On Premise


Pending Verification

About OpenText

OpenText is the leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Our EIM products enable businesses to grow faster, lower operational costs, and reduce information governance and security risks by improving business insight, impact and process speed.

OpenText is based in North America.

Last updated: Dec 8, 2017